Writing Centers: Celebrating Graduating Tutors

While many people may assume that Writing Center tutors are primarily English majors (we do have and love English-major tutors, too!), we also have tutors from majors across the disciplines. At our last staff meeting of the semester, we recently had the opportunity to celebrate our current seniors who are going on to do exciting things in various fields and careers. Looking at the work our seniors are planning on doing highlights the diversity of interests Writing Center tutors have as well as the various fields and careers for which strong writing and communication skills are necessary!


Here’s a quick look at what our graduating seniors are planning on doing:

Tatyana Carrillo: I'll be attending NYU to pursue a Master's Degree in Russian Film and Theatre. I also hope to reinvigorate my acting and dance training during my studies.

Amanda Coate: I will be taking a year off and working on applications to PhD programs in History. In addition to that, I hope to do volunteer work and take some language courses. 

Catie Hahn: After graduation, I will be taking some time to travel before starting my new job at a tech company in Boston. I'm excited to move to a new city, but I hope to come back and visit Cornell soon!

Emily Jones: I plan to spend the next two years at the National Institute of Mental Health before applying to graduate school for psychology.

Jack Jones: I'll be working as Trial Preparation Assistant (basically a paralegal) with Trial Bureau 40 of the Manhattan District Attorney's office. I will essentially be assisting attorneys on a number of different trials at once, at all different stages. 

Chris Lombardo: Next year, I'll be working full-time as a Program Manager for CollegeVine, a startup that tutors college application essays. In the fall, I'll be applying for PhD programs in English literature.

Jimmy Murray: I will spend the summer in Ithaca studying for the bar exam and, in the fall, I will begin a yearlong fellowship with the NYPD. After the fellowship, I will join the New York City Law Department as an assistant corporation counsel.

Matt Propper: After graduation, I’ll be doing a public policy Fellowship in Washington D.C focusing on urban poverty. It's a combination of policy research and working directly with disadvantaged citizens, helping people on public assistance find and retain jobs. Part of the Fellowship includes teaching in a classroom setting—I look forward to harnessing my tutoring skills to help adults escape poverty.

Snigdha Sharma: I’ll be taking a gap year before applying to law school. In the meantime, I will be working as a paralegal in Philadelphia!

Jeanette Si: I’m going to be working as a consultant for Veeva Systems, a pharmatech company in the Bay Area. I’m looking forward to all the traveling I’ll do and the new people I’ll meet.

Matthew Snyder: After I graduate I will be traveling for a month or so; specifically, I’m planning on going to Israel for 10 days then traveling to Italy and working my way up to Amsterdam via train for about 2 weeks. Then, in September, I start work at Bloomberg in NYC in their Sales and Analytics Department.

Eugenia Xiao: I will be working towards my masters and doctorates of nursing from Summer 2018 to Summer 2022. Afterwards, I hope to conduct research in the intersection of nursing and anthropology to further the field of transcultural nursing, to improve nursing education and policy. 

Janna Yu: This summer, I'll be a Writing and Analytics Intern as part of Cornell's Alliance for Diversity and Inclusion (ADI) Summer Internship Program, and I will be attending Columbia Law School this fall. 


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graduating tutors wishing you a good summer