Knight Writers Mentor Program

Program Description

Each semester students can apply to work with dedicated writing tutors -- peer writing tutors -- with whom they can meet weekly for the duration of the semester. Trained graduate and undergraduate tutors are available to work with undergraduate students who feel that their writing is not effectively communicating the depth and quality of their thoughts and ideas.

During weekly meetings, Knight Writers may work with students to:

  • get started with an essay by reading and discussing writing assignments, evaluating research material, or brainstorming outlines.
  • discuss and plan ways to shape coherent arguments, make strong use of evidence, work with appropriate citation conventions.
  • consider questions about depth of analysis, organization, thesis statements, audience expectations, paragraph development, stylistics, or sentence structure.
  • identify patterns among errors in grammar or usage and to develop effective strategies for their own line editing.

Topics of discussion may also include strategies for reading; the influence of language or cultural background on one’s approach to academic writing; and becoming familiar with campus resources and social networks. Above all, KNIGHT WRITERS work with students to develop a spirit of inquiry and a sense of empowerment through academic writing.

This is an 8- to 10-week program. Mentors typically begin holding meetings during the 5th week of the semester. Students seeking additional writing support should visit the Cornell Writing Centers.

Apply to work with a mentor

  • PREREQUISITE: Enrollment in a FWS or another course with a substantial writing component.
  • DEADLINE: Applications accepted on a rolling basis, but preference given to those received by midterm.


Apply to the KNIGHT WRITERS Program
