Knight Institute Temporary Lectureship

Job Announcement Issue Date: February 20, 2024

Temporary Lecturer of Writing 

Academic Year 24/25

Application Deadline: May 1, 2024


The Knight Institute is seeking applications for a temporary teaching position in the Writing Workshop for the 2024/25 academic year. Temporary Lecturers in our program teach two sections of a First-Year Writing Seminar titled “Elements of Academic Writing” each semester. Applicants must have successfully completed the Knight Institute’s teacher training course, WRIT 7100: “Teaching Writing,” and have taught in the First-Year Writing Seminars program for at least one year. The ideal candidate will hold a recent Cornell doctoral degree; ABD will be considered. Candidates who have previously worked as Cornell lecturers are not eligible.

WRIT 1370/80: “Elements of Academic Writing” is an alternate route First-Year Writing Seminar. Most students have minimal formal high school writing instruction, are unfamiliar with academic writing, have significant difficulty getting started with writing assignments, or feel a general lack of confidence about their writing. Many WRIT 1370/80 students are English Language Learners, and some have never studied in an English-medium environment. Students can seek enrollment in this course themselves; others are referred to the course by instructors and advisors.

WRIT 1370/80 is not only unique because of the students it serves. The course design is somewhat different than others in the FWS Program. WRIT 1370 instructors hold two 75-minute classroom sessions (MW or TTH) and meet individually with students for weekly writing conferences. WRIT 1370/80 is capped at 12, so instructors hold approximately six office hours per week per course.

Another unique feature is that WRIT 1370/80 instructors work closely as a team to build curriculum and support students. We work together in the early days of the semester to advise and enroll students and continue this collaboration throughout the semester in bi-weekly staff meetings.

Applicants interested in applying for this one-year, non-renewable Temporary Lecturer position should send a CV, a teaching philosophy, a sample FWS syllabus and a letter of interest to Jessica Sands, Multilingual Writing Specialist ([email protected]). The letter should address the ways a current FWS might be reimagined to fit into our teaching and learning environment.

Review of Applications begins on Wednesday, May 1, 2024.
