FWS Instructor Referral

All FWS instructors should collect a writing sample within the first 10 days of the semester. This first writing assignment (often ungraded) should be at least 2 pages and should challenge students to produce the kinds of intellectual work expected of them in your course (See Guidelines for First Assignments). In typical seminars, this means writing built upon inquiry into complex disciplinary conversations, engagement with textual material, and analysis of scholarly concepts. 

Occasionally, you will find a student whose writing is considerably weaker than the rest, or a student who lacks the experience or confidence typical among classmates. You might flag essays that show a range of problems: over-reliance on summary or personal experience, little understanding of the assignment, weak analysis, critical sentence problems, many grammar and usage errors. 

If you are concerned about a student’s ability to comfortably succeed in your FWS or if you feel as though a student might need more individual attention than you can reasonably provide, you should consult with Writing Workshop faculty to determine what support services we recommend. 

Please submit a copy of the student’s paper, and your FWS assignment together with the information requested below as soon as possible but no later than Friday, February 2, 2024. Identifying students quickly ensures the best outcomes. 


Contact Writing Workshop Director Dr. Tracy Hamler Carrick at [email protected] with any questions.


Please click the Box link below to upload  a student essay & a FWS writing assignment:

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